Thursday, April 19, 2012

Sunny Retirement

He told me his name but I forgot it. Larry, I think.
He lives in the Mojave.  Pioneer Town.
He built the house a decade ago
using two by fours and two by sixes,
a little insulation and dry wall.
No permits. 
He paid $5k for the land.
Property taxes total $400 a year.  

He lives hassle free except when 
he waits for a guy to fill his water tank
or when he sweeps out a sidewinder.

He's got a Kerosene lamp and an ice chest
and one neighbor 800 yards away. 
They rarely talk, just wave and nod.
For 30 years Larry worked in a factory
fixing machines. 
Saw the sun only on weekends.
Now two blue jays and a raven 
wake him every morning. 
Owls pass overhead like stealth bombers.
An occasional coyote wanders nearby
so he keeps a Winchester behind the door.
This year, Larry turns 60 and thinking about electricity.
Just bought a book on how to get it.
But he's wary, like a sidewinder, he'll anchor his head
before making new moves in the dunes.
Life on the grid can be twilit.

Copyright (c) 2012 Ellen McCarthy. All rights reserved.