Sunday, August 24, 2014


Yes that's what life is like, isn't it?
Like sailing alone in a little boat, 
in fits and starts on a landless planet 
relying on luck and karma for aid,
sometimes our mind and mouth 
yanked open by (or in cheerful ignorance 
of) the killer tendencies all around,
sometimes sitting stilly under squalls 
with feet kicking the waves, 
lavishing our attention on beauty 
or on perils but soon time again to stand up--
the sails must be adjusted
to these ever-changing winds--and
sometimes we are delirious with 
all that physical effort 
(having to make our own wind so often,
so many lightening quick adjustments)
and sometimes lovely birds land on the hull, 
nervous and a bit shriveled, like us, 
singing under the same shower of stars 
because for them too this voyage 
sometimes seems unbearable, this hunger
for consolation their only constant.